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A story with digital roots

Apuliasoft is the story of a team of software developers with roots planted in the digital innovation world and passionate about making software technology work to make people's daily lives easier.

A company where people come first

Apuliasoft was founded in 2015 from an idea of Giuseppe Santoro, Nicola Sanitate and Francesco Pavone, three fellow students of the Computer Science Department of the University of Bari. As new graduates, they decided to stay in their territory to create something they had not succeeded in finding: a company where people come first.

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Apuliasoft relies on the values of empathy, respect, availability, selflessness, collaboration and commitment. Values built in one of the many team building experience and outlined in our Apuliasoft Handbook: a guiding tool to keep the working environment healthy, stimulating and efficient.


Active listening, the result of free and sincere conversations, creates deep bonds and connections.



The culture of respect starts with ourselves and extends to the other. Each opinion, contribution and behaviour has a value in its own way, just as the one who offers it has a value.



The most constructive projects arise from a team capable of collaborating and comparing each other by sharing thoughts, ideas, feelings.



Training the sense of responsibility increases well-being and generates collective value.

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The pictogram

The pictogram is a stylized depiction of the Pythagorean tree, a fractal that is a geometric object that repeats itself endlessly in an iterative and recurring manner, always maintaining its original shape. However,


it also recalls an olive tree or a vine plant, key symbols of Apulian agriculture and, by rotating it by 180 °, the roots that, in our image, sink into the digital world, hence the pay-off "Digital Roots".

The origins of the name

Puglia is internationally recognized as an important Italian technological pole. Apuliasoft has always believed in its territory as a place to generate innovation and change. The name of the company itself arose from the union of two terms to intersect the love for Puglia and the passion for digital.

Apuliasoft is the opportunity to stay in Puglia without giving up business models based on horizontal organizations, on people's happiness, on agile production processes.


Be the architect of the change in your ecosystem

In Apuliasoft we firmly believe that work responds to the mission of improving the life of ourselves and others. This is why we are committed to making a difference each day by developing software that solves real-life problems and helps our customers to achieve their business goals. We are not just a company, but an organisation of people motivated by the ambition to contribute to a positive change in our ecosystem. This requires a fluid and horizontal organisation based on the cooperation and happiness of each one.

Agile methodology

In Apuliasoft we adopt the Agile Methodology, in particular the Scrum framework. It is an iterative approach to software development that allows us to maximise value for our customers in the shortest time possible. Instead of having one big development phase, the work is delivered in small, incremental and usable chunks. Requirements, plans and results are continuously evaluated so that the team can quickly respond to changes.


With the adoption of agile development, our teams organise themselves by collaborating directly with stakeholders through periodic meetings during the entire software development life cycle.


Model 231
& Code of Ethics

Apuliasoft has a culture that places legality and transparency as fundamental values for the future. Model 231 and the Code of Ethics demonstrate our commitment to operating responsibly and in compliance with the law, respecting human rights, individual dignity, equal opportunities and the principles of fairness and impartiality, including key concepts such as equality and solidarity.


We are convinced that this ethical approach contributes not only to our success, but also to the well-being and trust of the people and entities that interact with Apuliasoft. We believe that in this way we can make our contribution to creating a more supportive and ethically correct future.

Through the Whistleblowing channel it is possible to send reports regulated by the privacy information and policy.

Parità di Genere

Apuliasoft si impegna a garantire pari opportunità e a promuovere una cultura inclusiva, in cui poter esprimere il proprio potenziale senza discriminazioni.

La nostra Politica per la Parità di Genere è una testimonianza del nostro impegno a ridurre le disuguaglianze e favorire un ambiente di lavoro equo e rispettoso attraverso processi in grado di sviluppare l’empowerment femminile.

È possibile inoltrare eventuali segnalazioni compilando l'apposito Modulo di segnalazioni e reclami.

Apuliasoft è certificata UNI PdR 125:2022.

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