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Business Value








Technological innovation is playing a pivotal role in the significant transformation of healthcare, facilitating the shift from centralized hospital care to localized services. Emerging digital services such as telemedicine and remote patient monitoring, clinical decision support systems, integration initiatives, and the implementation of applications like the Electronic Medical Record are enhancing the value of healthcare services while reducing costs and improving response times.

Our client operates within the healthcare sector, providing consulting, design, and technological solutions to hospitals and clinics. Their offerings encompass electro-medical devices and telemedicine systems.


The primary challenge faced by our customer is to facilitate access to and interpretation of the vast amount of data available within the healthcare sector. This includes laboratory data, electronic medical records, data from wearable biometric devices, as well as clinical and medical history data. The objective is to optimize and enhance the services offered to patients.

Specifically, the customer required the development of a solution for both public and private hospital systems. This solution involves acquiring data from various IoT devices and integrating it with mobile devices provided to patients. The end goal is to enable doctors to offer telemonitoring and teleconsultation services through a web-based remote control system.


We developed a multi-tenant application designed to operate both in the cloud and on-premises. This application consists of a single-page application built with Angular, an API server implemented using NestJS, and a worker responsible for acquiring data from external sources and writing it to the application's database. Our team took care of designing the application's architecture, which also included integrating a video call and messaging service for remote assistance using OpenTok.

We meticulously designed each use case within the application, covering various aspects such as monitoring a patient's clinical parameters and trends, managing alerts based on anomaly thresholds, creating patient profiles, maintaining medical records, and providing aggregated data dashboards by patient and group (clinics/areas). These dashboards include customizable configurations, search, and filtering systems.

A significant focus was placed on implementing an automatic encryption system for sensitive patient data to ensure compliance with GDPR regulations.


  • Enhanced quality of services and patients' quality of life

  • optimization Streamlined remote diagnosis, monitoring, and patient management

  • Decreased clinic visits, resulting in reduced workload, space requirements, and equipment needs

  • Fewer physical interactions between doctors and patients, reducing the risk of infection

  • Improved organizational efficiency within healthcare facilities

  • Ensured data security and compliance with personal data processing regulations


  • Client: Angular

  • Server/REST API NestJS (NodeJS + Typescript)

  • Containerization: Docker

  • Deploy: Heroku via Bitbucket Pipeline

  • DB: MongoDB enterprise

  • Encryption: CSFLE

Project details

Team: Scrum Master, Software Architect, Full Stack Developer x2
Methodology: Scrum
Duration: 6 months

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Apuliasoft S.r.l.

Apuliasoft helps software-based companies to achieve innovation goals by creating innovative, stable and scalable tailor-made software solutions.


Apuliasoft Srl

Viale Volga 129 c/o Impact Hub
70132 - Bari (IT) - Fiera del Levante
P.IVA: IT 07727750726
Share capital: €58,823.53 fully paid up


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